“So what’s it called?”

I guess I have moved from the 1930s to the 1940s. Last night, we watched Netflix’s Curtiz. It is about the Hungarian born (to a Jewish family) director of 1942’s Hollywood now classic Casablanca.

[From my Instagram Stories, July 11, 2020.]

Originally “Casablanca” was not the film’s title. That was decided upon as the project got underway. The film was to be based on an unproduced play that was called “Everybody Comes to Rick’s.”

That latter title? Yeh, it is not really the same. Titles make a difference.

I find settling on a title also helps in writing. Until I have at least a good tentative title (that could be the actual one), it is too much like just more words on pages. Once a manuscript has a “name” it has begun to develop an identity all its own.

[Bookshelf. Photo by me, 2020.]

Well, I have a title now for my next book. It hit me on Friday.

“So what’s it called?” you ask.

I am not sharing it just yet given the final finished book is at least 12 months away and probably more. Let’s just say for now that, as with its two predecessors, this one will also have a title that stems from a quote from a contemporary historical letter. I happened to stumble on it… and it jumped off a page at me.

[Sneak peek from eventual follow up to Tomorrow the Grace.]

I started with them in 2016 and this will be the third novel I have written featuring these characters. They are now moving into their forties: they have matured and are now no longer feeling themselves to be as young as they were. As we all do eventually.

Never say never. Because we never know. However, with this being the third large novel revolving around them, it will also probably be the last time I write about them (at least as the main focus of a tale).

[From my Instagram Stories, July 10, 2020.]

Oh, uh, why the reproduction here of that classic 1777 painting?

You will find out eventually. 😉

Have a good day, wherever you are in the world. 🙂

2 thoughts on ““So what’s it called?”

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