Into Conclusion Seclusion

Odd to see this pop up on VOA News’s Instagram. But the Voice of America’s feed is far from just news. Generally, yes, this – which many a writer now quotes – hits the mark:

Isn’t it “Toni,” not “Tony”? In any case, whenever I see that Toni Morrison quote I find myself thinking it’s also really only “the half” of it.

For you writing the unwritten book you want to read is not quite enough. You should write that book when you believe there are others out there who will also enjoy reading it. You are actually not the reader who matters most: the one who matters the most is every other person who reads it.

For my own current effort, I had aimed to finish the full draft by the end of January 31. I am nearly there. I may make that target.

So I am locking myself away – meaning I won’t be messing around on social media – to see if I can reach that goal.

Have a good day, wherever you are in the world. 🙂