Easter 2017

As you may have seen on my Instagram, on Friday we traveled across the pond to Pennsylvania to see my father for Easter, and to have a holiday here in the U.S.:

He has just been “getting by” without my mother. That is about all. I have noticed this since my mother’s death: he’s not really getting “better.”

Ladies, should your man survive you, don’t imagine that that man who’d been in your life will not miss you terribly after you are gone. Don’t assume he will just pick a new wife off the shelf and go merrily on his way, happily ever after. Don’t think you are “replaceable.”

Often, we see widowers portrayed in media as easily finding a new woman and moving on. That can be flat out rubbish. In real life, he’s more likely to be miserable and need every bit of family and friends’ support.

I am reasonably sure my father will never marry again.

It is an odd feeling to awaken each day now and find oneself not feeling compelled to write. Conventions is finished and published. All that’s left is sorting out the paperback. It is coming shortly.

After that massive effort, I think I’ve earned this break.

I have only some scattered thoughts and notes for a couple of future possible novels. But there’s unlikely to be anything new for a while. I want to “sit back” and enjoy this writing pause – the first real one I have had since 2012.

I have a chance now also to catch up with much that I’ve missed or have not quite gotten to as of yet. I’ve seen references here and there for months about this new book or that new author. I want to take a few deep breaths and READ.

Some of the best stuff out there is indie authors. There is so much. I’ve written about Adele Archer before: if you like serious romance, her “International Relations” three book series is for you.

There’s indie music, too. Some weeks ago I stumbled on Marion Clavié. Wow. Her cover of “Audition (The Fools Who Dream)” from La La Land in my opinion rivals (and arguably betters) what appears in the film itself. And that’s just for starters.

A Roman Catholic Church in Pennsylvania this morning. [Photo by me, 2017.]

If you observe, I hope you have a happy Easter, wherever you are in the world. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Easter 2017

  1. Happy Easter, dear Robert! Enjoy your time & relax! Give your brain time for a new book to come to you. By the way, I adore the covers of your books. They are absolutely fabulous!

    Best regards,

    Maria 🙂

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