PUBLISHED: Distances: “A dam’d good book”

Well, I suppose I’m now another “unemployed” author – at least until I decide to start on the next novel:


So that’s that. PUBLISHED. Another year of work completed.

The back and front covers for "Distances" - the print version.
The back and front covers for “Distances” – the print version.

An English (woman) friend had had a copy of the Distances manuscript for a few weeks, and out of the blue emailed me on Thanksgiving day:

Screen capture of part of a personal email to me. Click to expand.
Screen capture of part of a personal email to me. Click to expand.

As an author, you shouldn’t lean too heavily on praise. You should always be “critical” of whatever you’ve written – even after it’s finished and published. Yet naturally you wouldn’t be human if compliments sent your direction didn’t give your morale a small (and often necessary) boost.

Regardless, come Monday, I’ll sit down in front of my PC and it’ll suddenly hit me: “Holy heck, what do I do now with the rest of my life?”

But after three novels in three years, I’m feeling worn out. I want – and I feel I need – something of a break to “recharge.”

That said, we’ll also see how long this latest “authoring hiatus” I have in mind truly lasts. I had also contemplated one lasting several months upon finishing Frontiers last year. Within weeks, though, I was at it again – writing full speed what would eventually become Distances.

Hope you’ve been having a good weekend. I’m gonna have a cup of coffee. I sure need one. 😉

And I’d like to, of course, thank you for reading, and for your support, over these last – at times, sadly, terribly down* – couple of years. 🙂


UPDATE: *NOTE: If you’re just visiting and don’t know, a woman who was practically a sister died in February 2014 at only 45 years of age. A month and a half ago, on October 12, my novelist uncle died. And on October 26, my mother died.

5 thoughts on “PUBLISHED: Distances: “A dam’d good book”

  1. Congratulations on your book! Envious about the “met your deadlines”, when life gets you down, (but not defeated). I don’t know about the “unemployed” bit, since now you have to ‘promote’ it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s always more to do. Promo stuff included. Absolutely.

      But I have to admit I’m knackered on several fronts.

      Knowing myself also, I’m suspected this “hiatus” won’t last long.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! What an accomplishment for you. You should take some time and celebrate what you’ve done, and those who’ve passed on this year, in your own time. You should feel so proud of yourself, though. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

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